Born in 1983 in Bogotá, Colombia
Lives and works in Paris, France


Iván Argote is an artist and film director. Through his sculptures, installations, films and interventions, he questions our intimate relationship with others, institutions, power and belief systems. He develops strategies based on tenderness, affect and humour through which he suggests critical approaches to dominant historical narratives and attempts to decentralise them. In his interventions on monuments, large-scale installations and performances, Iván Argote proposes new symbolic uses of public space.
Works by the artist are included in the permanent collections of numerous prestigious institutions worldwide, including the Guggenheim Museum (New York, US); Centre Pompidou (Paris, France); ASU Art Museum (Phoenix, US); Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (Miami, US); Colección de Arte del Banco de la República (Bogotá, Colombia); Kadist (San Francisco, US); MACBA (Barcelona, Spain).

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- MFA, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris - ENSBA, Paris

- Specialization in new medias, Cinema and TV School, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá
- Specialization in photography, Graphic Design School, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá

- Graphic design, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá

solo shows

- SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, United States
- To move and to be moved, KØS Museum, Denmark, Copenhagen
- Descanso, Venice Biennale, Giardini Della Biennale, Venice, Italy
- Katy Trail Dallas, Texas, United States (upcoming)

- Señores, Museo del Banco de la República, Bogotá, Colombia

- Prix Marcel Duchamp 2022 (with Giulia Andreani, Mimosa Echard and Philippe Decrauzat), Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
- Prémonitions, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France
- Aliens en Madrid, Galería Albarrán Bourdais, Madrid, Spain

- Chaflierplatz, curated by Rebekka Seubert, Kunstverein Dortmund, Germany
- A Place For Us, Perrotin, New York, United States
- Ivan Argote: All Here Together, Summer residency and show, curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas, Artpace, San Antonio, Texas, United States

- Juntos Together, curated by Julio Morales, ASU Art Museum, Tempe, Arizona, United States
- A point of view, in situ installation made for Desert X 2019, project curated by Matthew Schum, Salton Sea - Coachella Valley, California, United States 

- Deep Affection, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France
- Ternura Radical, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina

- The Other, Me and the Others, Le Centquatre, Paris, France
- Somos Tiernos Eternos (outdoor installation) - BIENALSUR, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá (MAMBO), Bogotá, Colombia
- Somos, Galeria Vermelho, Sao Paolo, Brazil
- Somos Tiernos, Museo Universitario del Chopo, Mexico City, Mexico
- La Venganza del Amor, Perrotin, New York, United States

- Roarrr, (outdoor installation), curated by Florence Parot, Hotel Bristol, Paris, France
- Sírvete de mi, sírveme de ti, Proyecto Amil, Lima, Perú
- Strengthlessness, (outdoor sculpture), curated by Brian Kepple, The Standard Hotel, New York, United States
- An Idea of Progress, curated by Persil Caton, SPACE, London, United Kingdom

- La puesta en marcha de un sistema, Galería ADN, Barcelona, Spain
- Cómo-lavar-la-loza-coherentemente, curated by Santiago Rueda, NC-Arte, Bogotá, Colombia
- Stengthlessness (outdoor installation), MuseumsQuartier, Vienna, Austria

- Reddish Bue, D+T Project, Brussels, Belgium
- Let’s write a history of hopes, Galeria Vermelho, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Activissime !, curated by Alba Benavent & Lucía Piedra, EspaiDos - Sala Muncunill, Barcelona, Spain
- Strengthlessness, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France

- Un millón de amigos, Galería ADN, Barcelona, Spain
- Munich Time Capsule 2013-2113, A Space Called Public, curated by Elmgreen & Dragset, Munich, Germany
- AB Studios, with Pauline Bastard, curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas, 18th Street Arts Center, Los Angeles, Unites States

- La Estrategia, Prix SAM 2012, curated by Akiko Miki, Modules, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
- Close to Me, D+T Project, Brussels, Belgium
- Sin heroísmos, por favor (with Sara Ramos and Teresa Solar), curated by Tania Pardo, CA2M, Madrid, Spain
- Rising Action, with Pauline Bastard, Nettie Horn Gallery, London, United Kingdom

- We Are, NURTUREart, New York, United States
- Venganza, La Mals, Sochaux, France
- Caliente, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France

- Rising Action, with Pauline Bastard, Vernon Projekt, Vernon Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
- Lots of Love, with Pauline Bastard, Störk Gallery, Rouen, France

- A Break to Dance, Valenzuela & Klenner Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia
- Valeur Ajoutée, with Pauline Bastard, Hamish Morrison Gallery, Berlin, Germany

- Valor Agregado, with Pauline Bastard, Valenzuela & Klenner Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia

group shows

- My Last Will, Casino Luxembourg - Forum d’art contemporain Luxembourg, Luxembourg (upcoming)
- Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy

- Quizá mañana (Maybe Tomorrow), 16th Cuenca Biennial 2023, Ecuador (upcoming)
​- Archivos Actos, Propuesta de exhibición para el Archivo General de Indias, BIENALSUR 2023
- Into the garden, MARCO, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Mexico
- Off the Pedestals: Iván Argote, Eduardo Chillida, Jenny Holzer, Zauri Matikashvili, Joiri Minaya, Leila Orth, Kunsthalle Münster, Germany 
- My Last Will, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany
- Re-Inventing Piet. Mondrian and the Consequences, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany

- Collección MACBA. Intención poética, MACBA, Barcelona, Spain
- Ce à quoi nous tenons, Viva Villa curated by Victorine Grataloup and Stéphane Ibars, Collection Lambert, Avignon, France
- L’Avvenire appartiene ai fantasmi, Accademia di Belle Arte di Brera, Milan, Italy
- Start Talking, North Carolina Museum of Art, North Carolina, United States
- I am land that remembers, ArtworxTO : Toronto’s Year of Public Art, Union Station, Toronto, Canada
Crónicas: resonancias / Chroniques: résonances / Chronicles: resonances. Prácticas artísticas desde el video, SBC Gallery, Montreal, Canada
- Terms of Belonging, GAVLAK Gallery, California, United States
- Prix Marcel Duchamp, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
- Etincelles/Scintille, annual exhibition of the residents of the French Academy in Rome - Villa Medici curated by Saverio Verini, Rome, Italy
- The Armory Show : Platform Section, Javitz Center, NY, United States
- Ces dernières années, Frac Bretagne, Rennes, France

- Nuit Blanche 2021, Villa Medici, Roma, Italy 
- Ces dernières années, Frac Bretagne, Rennes, France
- New monuments, Callirrhoë, Athens, Greece
- Shortlisted proposals for the Third and Fourth High Line Plinth Commissions, The Coach Passage at 30th Street, The High Line, New-York, United States
- Otra vez (online project), Ladera Oeste, Guadalajara, Mexico
- Three’s a crowd, BWA Wroclaw Gallery of Contemporary Art, Wroclaw, Poland
- La Luz entre Nosotros (online video exhibition), Kadist, Paris, FR / San Francisco, United States
- La page manquante, curated by Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles/Paris, Paris, France
- Ires y venires : Diálogos en torno a la colección, curated by Sigrid Castañeda, Julien Petit et Estrella de Diego, Banco de la República, Bogotá, Colombia
- The First Meal, Poush, Paris, France

- Show Me the Signs, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA, United States
- Les Extatiques, curated by Fabrice Bousteau, Esplanade de la Défense, Puteaux, France
- Ups and downs of a flipped planet : Iván Argote, Eliza Douglas, Jojo Gronostay, curated by Chiara Vecchiarelli, Galerie Winter, Vienna, Austria
- Global(e) Résistance, curated by Christine Macel, Alicia Knock and Yung Ma, works from the permanent collection, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
- Friends & Neighbours, High Art, Paris, France
- Faces, a look at the other, Carré d’art de Nîmes, Nîmes, France
- Resilience, an aptitude, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Poéticas de la emoción, curated by Érika Goyarrola, CaixaForum Sevilla, CaixaForum Girona, Spain
- Collectionner au XXIè siècle : de leur temps (6), ADIAF, Collection Lambert, Avignon, France
- Fallen Monuments (virtual exhibition), Epoch Gallery
- Trasnocheando, curated by Julia Morandeira & Victor Aguado, Club Siroco, Madrid, Spain

- Collectionner au XXIè siècle : de leur temps (6), ADIAF, Collection Lambert, Avignon, France
- Abstract Sex. We don’t have any clothes, only equipment, Presso Jana boutique, Turin, Italy
- Bridges : We are melting (outdoor sculpture), Frieze Sculpture 2019, curated by Claire Lilley, The Regent’s Park, London, United Kingdom
- Invisible Cities, curated by Leonardo Bigazzi, MAXXI (video gallery), Roma, Italy
- Power in Resistance, curated by Tamara Toledo, Sur Gallery, Toronto, Canada
- La Plaza del Chafleo at Latin American Landscapes in Video Art, Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich, Switzerland 
- La rue. Où le monde se crée, curated by Hou Hanru, La Panacée, Montpellier, France
- Hypertimes, curated by Ginevra Bria, Futuredome, Milan, Italia
- La Plaza del Chafleo at Sala Antonio, Galeria Vermelho, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- The I is Always in the Field of the Other, curated by Beral Madra, Evliyagil Museum, Ankara, Turkey
- Children, Movie Selection, Museo d'Arte Contemporeanea di Roma, MACRO, Roma, Italia
- A Decolonial Atlas: Strategies in Contemporary Art of Americas, curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas, Mandeville Gallery at Union College, New York, United States
- Poéticas de la emoción, curated by Érika Goyarrola, CaixaForum Barcelona, CaixaForum Zaragoza, CaixaForum Sevilla, Spain
- La ciudad imaginada, curated by Johanna Caplliure, IVAM (Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno), Valencia, Spain
- Jardinons les possibles, Les Grandes Serres, Pantin, France
- Bootleg, organized by DOC !, as part of the Brooklyn French Fall, New-York, United States
- Under Construction. Relatos desde Latinoamérica en la Colección CIFO, Casa Fugaz, Callao, Peru
- Summer Group Show, Galería Solo, Matarraña, Spain

- How to See [What Isn’t There], The Burger Collection Hong Kong, Langen Foundation, Neuss, Germany
- Do Silêncio à Memória, curated by Juliana Caffée, Paço das Artes, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Der Duft der Bilder Werke der colección olorVISUAL, Barcelona, Kunst - und Kulturstiftung, Opelvillen Rüsselsheim, Rüsselsheim, Germany
- The Tirana Film Festival, Tirana, Albania
- Don’t Believe Their Lies, curated by Catherine Petitgas, Claustro de San Agustín, Bogotá, Colombia
- Telling Time, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva, Switzerland
- The Street. Where the World Is Made, MAXXI, Rome, Italia
- Inéditos 2018. Regreso al futuro, curated by Rafael Barber Cortell, Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain
- Ese tiempo mineral / Ce temps minéral, curated by Marco Calderón, Instituto Francés de América Latina, Mexico City, Mexico
- IN/SITU, curated by Pablo León de la Barra, Expo Chicago, Chicago, United States
- Wonderland, curated by Melanie Kress, High Line Art Associate Curator, Hight Line - Channel 14, New York, United States
- A Decolonial Atlas : Strategies in Contemporary Art of the Americas, curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas, Dean of the School Art & Sciences, Medford, Massachusetts, United States
- Sculpture Garden and Outdoors Tendency (SPOT), curated by Nuno Centeno and Rita Almeida Freitas, Porto, Portugal
- Twenty-first Century Occupational Adjustments and Considerations, Episode 1 : Magnification, Bortolami Gallery, New York, United States
- Dancing with gravity (Site specific ins tallation) MALI - Museo de Arte de Lima , Lima, Peru
- That mineral time Casa Francia, Mexico City, Mexico
- Intervention, curated by Juan José Santos, SUBTE, Montevideo, Uruguay
- Hybrid Topographies, curated by Monica Espinel, Deutsche Bank (60 Wall Street), NY, United States
- Départ, Galería Solo / Eva Albarrán & Christian Bourdais, Madrid, Spain

- Shivers Only, curated by Hubert Marot, LA PAIX, Paris, France
- Pattern, curated by Chloé Grondeau, Maison des Arts de Laval, Laval, France
- Attaches, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
- SUD2017 Triennale d’Art Publique, (public space project), Doual’art, Douala, Cameroon
- Notte Bianca, Villa Medici, Roma, Italia
- BIENALSUR (Public space installation), Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogota, Bogota, Colombia
- Medellín, une histoire colombienne, de Fernando Botero à Ivan Argote, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, France
- Continua Sphères ENSEMBLE, Le Centquatre, Paris, France
- BIENALSUR, Museo de la Inmigración, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Sobreexposición, curated by Juan José Santos, Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, Uruguay
- From Selfie to Self-Expression, Saatchi Gallery, London, United Kingdom
- L’Espace du Débat, Tout foutre en l’air ?, curated by BAOBAB Dealer d’Espaces, Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, France
- Du Verbe à La Communication, collection of Josée & Marc Gensollen, Carré d’Art, Nîmes, France
- A Decolonial Atlas : Strategies in Contemporary Art of the Americas, curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas, Vincent Price Art Museum, Monterey Park, California, United States
- Monumentos, anti-monumentos y nueva escultura pública, curated by Pablo León de la Barra, MAZ - Museo de Arte de Zapopan, Zapopan, Mexico
- Le Quatrième Sexe, curated by Marie Maertens, Le Coeur, Paris, France
- Future Generation Art Prize, exhibition of the 21 shortlisted artists, PinchukArCentre, Kiev ; Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italia
- L’éloge de l’heure, CID - Centre d’innovation et de design au Grand-Hornu, Hornu, Belgium
- First Day of Good Weather - Latin American Art, curated by Sandino Scheidegger, Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf, Germany

- Atlas [de las ruinas] de Europa, curated by Julia Morandeira Arrizabalaga and José Riello, CentroCentro, Madrid, Spain
- Les Possédés, curated by Véronique Collard Bovy & Jérôme Pantalacci, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France
- Yes I can ! Portrait du pouvoir, curated by Sébastien Planas, organized by Musée des Beaux Arts Hyacinthe Rigaud at Centre d’art contemporain Walter Benjamin, Perpignan, France
- Basta!, The Anya and Andrew Shiva Gallery, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, United States
- A Decolonial Atlas: Videos from the Americas, 2010-2015, curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas, Oficina de Proyectos Culturales, Puerta Vallarta, Mexico
- No One Belongs Here More Than You, curated by Sandino Scheidegger, Despacio, San José, Costa Rica
- Enclencheurs de Récits‏, curated by Nicolas Koch, Le Point Commun, Cran-Gevrier, France
- Bread and Roses, curated by Łukasz Ronduda & Natalia Sielewicz, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Poland
- Festival Hors Pistes, curated by Géraldine Gomez, Centre Pompidou, Malaga, ES & Paris, France
- Ideologue, curated by Becca Maksym, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, United States

- A Decolonial Atlas: Videos from the Americas, 2010-2015, OFF Cairo Biennale, curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas, Cairo, Egypt
- Jonny, Insitu, Berlin, Germany
- Artistes à la une, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
- Waiting for the Accident to Happen, curated by Antonella Croci, Screen Space, Melbourne, Australia
- La vérité des apparences, histoires de codes et de reflets, curated by Fabienne Bideau, La Tôlerie, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- Levitate, curated by Daria Khan, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna, Austria
- It’s Money Jim but not as we know it, curated by Katerina Gregos, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Vienna, Austria
- Intersections (after Lautréamont), CIFO Foundation, Miami, United States
- Between the Pessimism of the Intellect and the Optimism of the Will, 5th Thessaloniki Biennale, curated by Katerina Gregos, Thessaloniki, Greece
- The Devil Is in the Details, curated by Jesus Fuenmayor, KaBe Contemporary, Miami, United States
- Every Inclusion is an Exclusion of Other Possibilities, Salt Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey
- Historiology / Archaeography, DT Project, Brussels, Belgium
- Paris Holiday, Galerie Perrotin, New York, United States
- L’éloge de l’heure, curated by Chantal Prod’Hom & Fabienne Xavière Sturm, MUDAC, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Il frutto maturo e la terra indifferente, curated by Lore Gablier, Museo Nivola, Orani, Italia
- Moving not moving, curated by Audrey Teichmann, Galerie Laurence Bernard, Geneva, Switzerland

- El futuro no espera, curated by Sonia Fernández Pan, La Capella, Barcelona, Spain
- Nuit Blanche, Pavillon Vendôme (outdoor sculpture), Paris, France
- Corpus Delicti, curated by Ricardo Arcos-Palma, Ex Terrasa, Mexico D.F., Mexico
- Buildering: Misbehaving the City, curated by Steven Matijcio, Blaffer Art Museum, Houston, US; CAC Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, United States
- Colonia Apocrifa, curated by Juan Guardiola, MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, Léon, Spain
- ... Do Delay, curated by pick nick, Cyprus, Cyprus Republic
- Verbo - Performance Festival, Galeria Vermelho, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- The Part In The Story Where A Part Becomes A Part Of Something Else, curated by Heman Chong & Samuel Saelemakers, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Honoré, Galerie rue Visconti, Paris, France
- Inéditos 2014. Be virus, my friend, curated by Colectivo Catenaria, Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain
- Addenda, curated by Nancy Casielles, Hôpital Notre Dame de la Rose (with B.P.S.22), Lessines, Belgium
- Utopian Days - Freedom, curated by Haily Grenet, Martin Schulze & Jeongsun Yang, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
- All about these... Ladies and Gentlemen, curated by Fani Zguro, National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, Albanie
- Quieren dinero, curated by Maria Isabel Rueda, Barranquilla Fine Arts, Barranquilla, Columbia
- Festival Hors Pistes, curated by Géraldine Gomez, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France

- Ciudad-de-mente, curated by Juan José Santos, Galeria Concreta, Santiago de Chile, Chile
- XVII Biennale d’Arte Citta di Penne, curated by Marco Antonini, Penne, Italia
- Iván Argote - Adrian Melis - Ahmet Ogut, DT Projects, Brussels, Belgium
- Happy Birthday Galerie Perrotin, Lille 3000, Le Tripostal, Lille, France
- Du clocher on voit la mer, curated by Marc Geneix, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France
- De leur temps 4, ADIAF, Le Hangar à Bananes, Nantes, France
- Foutre, düo, Paris, France
- Jubiläums Festival 2013, Werkleitz, Nuremberg, Germany
- Nuit Blanche Video London, Victoria Miro Gallery, London,United Kingdom
- Augmented Spatiality, curated by María Andueza, Hökarängen, Stockholm, Sweden
- Artesur, Collective Fictions, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
- La Belle Peinture II, curated by Eva Hober & Ivan Jančár, Palais Pisztory, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Festival de Inverno de São João del Rei, curated by Ricardo Coelho, São João del Rei, Brazil
- A Space Called Public, curated by Elmgreen & Dragset, Munich, Germany
- Small Gestures, curated by Jasper van Es, MU, Eindhoven, Netherlands
- The Democracy of Objects, Nettie Horn Gallery, London, United Kingdom
- Monkey Business, curated by Grégory Lang, Galerie Sophie Scheidecker, Paris, France
- The Imminence of Poetics, 30th Sao Paulo Biennial, tour exhibition: Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina
- Tectonic, curated by Aya Mousawi, The Moving Museum, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Traduction-Tradition-Trahison, curated by María Inigo Clavo & Anna Raimondo, Cube Independent Art Room, Rabat, Morocco
- Involution, curated by Temra Pavlovic, Otras Obras, Tijuana, Mexico
- The Exuberan’s Vertigo and Myths, curated by Irene Aristizabal, La Maison Rouge, Paris, France
- TCOB, curated by M I A M I, Museo La Tertulia, Cali, Colombia

- Los irrespetuosos, curated by Carlos Palacios, Museo Carrillo Gil, Mexico D.F., Mexico
- The Imminence of Poetics, 30th Sao Paulo Biennial, curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Destination Sud, winners of SAM Prize, MuBE, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- There’s a Hole in the Sky, curated by Tom Polo, Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney, Australia
- Políticas de la imágen en Colombia, curated by Christian Padilla, Artes Guerrero, Bogotá, Colombia
- Performing Politics Symposium, curated by Alvaro Urbano, Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin, Germany
- Girarse, curated by Martina Milla, Joan Miró Fundation, Barcelona, Spain
- Políticas de la imagen: videoarte colombiano, curated by Christian Padilla, OODAAQ Festival, Rennes, France
- The forfeiture of money, D+T Project, Brussels, Belgium
- Saison 2012, curated by: COAL Colletif, Domaine de Chamarande, Chamarande, France
- The Family, curated by Aldo Giannotti, Lust Gallery, Vienna, Austria

- The Dialectic City, curated by Carla Acevedo-Yates, Laboratorio de Artes Binarios, San Juan, Porto Rico
- The Making of Something, 1646, The Hague, Netherlands
- Vidéo Ping Pong # 20, le Bel Ordinaire espace d’art contemporain, Pau, France
- Infiltration, le privilège des chemins, curated by Marianne Derrien, Plataforma Revolver, Lisboa, Portugal
- DigitalAct, Digital Arts Festival, Moscow, Russia
- Coup d’éclat, curated by Francesca Agnesod, Guillaume Hervier & Andrea Rodriguez Novoa, Fort de Bruissin, Lyon, France
- BLK river festival, curated by Sydney Ogidan, Vienna, Austria
- Ambiente Familiar, curated by William Contreras, M.I.A.M.I. Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia
- La Minoterie, curated by Marion Tampon-Lajarriette, Geneva, Switzerland
- Polis, curated by Markus Winter, Art blog art blog, New York, United States
- Vista, Socrates Sculpture Park, New York, United States
- Tiere in der kunst, curated by Dietgard Grimmer, Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg, Austria
- Prix Sciences Po pour l’art contemporain, Sciences Po, Paris, France
- Manipulatie, curated by Perre van den Brink & Wouter Vandenbrink, Paraplufabriek, Nijmegen, Netherlands
- Les armes silencieuses, CAB Grenoble, Grenoble, France
- Qui Admirez Vous?, curated by Isabelle Le Normand & Florence Ostende, La Box, Bourges, France

- Something, curated by Marco Antonini, Pratt Manhattan auditorium, New York, United States
- Action Planning #3-Interludes, Nuit Blanche, Mairie du 11ème, Paris, France
- Action Planning-Self #1, Angle Art Contemporain, Saint-Paul-Trois-Chateaux, France
- Nouvelles Peintures, curated by Renaud Loda, OLM space, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- Hyperactivité, CAN & Marks Blond Project, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- Biennale de Mulhouse 010, Mulhouse, France
- You me here now, Galerie IMMIX, Paris, France
- Safari sur l’ile des impressionnistes, Cneai, Chatou, France
- Schools of art, Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Dresden, Germany
- Biennale Madrid Abierto, Art biennale, Audiovisual selection, Madrid, Spain
- Swing 2, Ivan Argote, Pauline Bastard, Géraldyne Py et Roberto Verde, Mains d’Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen, France
- Prelude, Chez Edgar, Paris, France

- Lionel Esteve, Kolkoz, Xavier Veilhan, Daniel Firman, Mathieu Mercier, Iván Argote, Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Miami, United States
- Swing, curated by Isabelle Le Normand, La Friche La Belle de Mai, Marseille, France
- Vidéo Ping-Pong #5, vas voir dehors si j’y suis, curated by Thibault Capéran, le Bel Ordinaire espace d’art contemporain, Pau, France
- BIG UP3, Contemporary Art Festival, Pau & Anglet, France
- Drrrr, Störk Gallery, Rouen, France
- Disguised Retrospective, Museum National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
- XI International Call for Young Artist, Luis Adelantado Gallery, Valencia, Spain
- Intervenciones TV, Montehermoso Cultural Center, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
- Zapping Unit, MAC/VAL Museum, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
- 54th Salon of Contemporary Art of Montrouge, Montrouge, France

- Architectures of survivals, curated by Komplot, Sparwasser, Berlin, DE; Outpost for Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, United States
- TV JAM 2008, Montehermoso Cultural Center, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
- A winter story in a wild jungle, Shunt, London, United Kingdom
- Youtube Battle 2, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
- Vidéo sur l’ile, Video Festival curated by Marcel Dinahet and Célia Crétien, Ouessant, France
- Collider, La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
- Tina B, Contemporary Art Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
- La masse envahit la grille, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Paris, France
- Eurofoot, La Maison des Métallos, Paris, France
- Traverse Vidéo, Video Festival, Toulouse, France

- Paris MFA Fine Arts Students, Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
- Paris Taipei, Fine Arts School of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

- Salon Nacional de arte universitario, Art Museum of the Antioquia’s University, Medellín, Colombia
- Salon Nacional de arte universitario, Comfandi Cultural Center, Cali, Colombia
- Salon Nacional de arte universitario, Gilberto Alzate Avendaño Foundation, Bogota, Colombia
- Pirate video Festival, Colombia’s National University, Bogota, Colombia

- Fotográfica 217, National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
- Thesis, Best final projects from art schools, Contemporary Art Museum, Bogotá, Colombia
- Art and Document, curated by Elías Heim, Cali’s Cultural Center, Cali, Colombia

public collections

Guggenheim Museum, New York, United States
Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Harvard Art Museum, Cambridge, United States
ASU Art Museum, Phoenix, United States
Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami, United States
KADIST Foundation, San Francisco, United States
CA2M, Madrid, Spain
MACBA, Barcelona, Spain
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), León, Spain
Colección de Arte del Banco de la República, Bogotá, Colombia
CNAP (Centre National des Arts Plastiques), Paris, France
FMAC, Ville de Paris, Paris, France
FRAC Occitanie, Toulouse, France
FRAC Bretagne, Brest, France
MUNTREF, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Saatchi Art, London, United Kingdom


- Nomination : Prix Marcel Duchamp 2022, ADIAF, France

- Pensionnaire (resident) at the Académie de France in Rome - Villa Médicis, Rome, Italy

- Summer 2020 International Artist-in-Residency, curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas, Artpace, San Antonio, Texas, United States

- Nomination : Future Generation Art Prize, PinchukArtCentre, Kiev, Ukraine

- CIFO Cisneros Fontanals Foundation Prize, Miami, United States

- First Prix - Audi Talents Awards Art contemporain, Paris, France
- Residency - 18th Street Art Center, Los Angeles, California, United States
- Residency - BAR, Barcelona, Spain

- Prix Sam Art Projects, Paris, France
- Politic Science Price for Contemporary Art, École de Sciences Politiques, Paris, France

- Residency - Hyperactivité, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

- Residency – Astérides, Marseille, France
- Residency - National University - Visual Arts department, Bogota, Colombia
- Residency - Mains d'Oeuvres Cultural Center, Paris, France

- First Prize - Create the "Canal +" ad, Canal +, Paris, France
- First Prize - Intervenciones TV, Madrid, Spain
- Fundación Rodriguez, Vitoria Gateiz, Spain

- Residence - Paris-Taiwan - Taiwan Fine Arts School, Taipei, Taiwan

- First Prize - National Salon of Young Art, Guerrero Arts School, Bogotá, Colombia



- Spreepark, Berlin, Germany (upcoming)

- A nos jours, à nous / À nos nuits, à l’autre, Outdoor sculpture project for Emerige, Clamart, France
- A Kunst in de Stad project, Public Figure commission in Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

- Elevation, Saint Anne’s Park, Dublin, Ireland
- Biblioteca de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain

- Rest & Be Lazy, Sciences Po (French political sciences school) new campus, Paris, France
- Ici & Maintenant, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3), Paris, France

- Oui ma vie, Triennale d’Art Publique de Douala Sud, curated by Cecile Bourne-Farell, Douala, Cameroun


- Levitate, Doclisboa'23, Lisboa, Portugal
- Levitate, Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin
- Levitate, Intersección - Contemporary Audiovisual Art Festival, Coruña, Spain
- Le Fond de la Seine, Musée d'Orsay, Nuit Blanche, Paris, France
- Au Revoir Joseph Gallieni, Beauté et Terreur : regards croisés sur la colonialité entre Naples et Marseille, Mucem, Marseille, France
- Au Revoir Joseph Gallieni, Bari International Film Festival, Bari, Italy
- Levitate, CPH:DOX Documentary Film Festival 2023, Copenhague, Denmark
- Abriendo Caminos, Regards du Louvre, Louvre Museum, Paris, France

- Space Space, Festival Image de la Ville, Marseille, France
- La Plaza del Chafleo, Floating Cinema, Venice, Italy
- Au Revoir Joseph Gallieni, Palazzo Grassi invites Lo schermo dell’arte, Palazzo Grassi, Venice, Italy
- As Far As We Could Get, HORIZONS, Singapore Art Week 2022, Singapore, Malaysia
- Au Revoir Joseph Gallieni, Cineteca di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
- Two 50 years old white males having feelings Terraza Cervantes: Iván Argote y Jiang Zhi, Biblioteca Shangai, China

- Au Revoir, Lo schermo dell’arte, Florence, Italy
- Two 50 years old white males having feelings, Nuit Blanche
- Espacios Seguros, Mascarilla 19 – Codes of domestic Violence, Perugia Social Film Festival, Museo Archeologico nazionale dell’Umbria, Perugia, Italy
- Espacios Seguros, Mascarilla 19 – Codes of Domestic Violence, In Between Art Film at Teatro del Castello di Rivoli, Rivoli, Italy
- Espacio Seguro, Mascarilla 19, Triennale teatro, Milano, Ialy
- Espacio Seguro, Mascarilla 19, Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi, Venezia, Italy
- Espacio Seguro, FID Marseille, France
- La Plaza Del Chafleo, Sala Abierta 11 (online screening), MAZ, Zapopan, Mexico

- As far as we could get, World Premiere, Bright Future Short section, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Can we shake hands ?, SEART, Stockholm, Sweden

- As far as we could get, FID International Film Festival (French Competition - world premiere), Marseille, France
- Children (movie selection), Museo d’Arte Contemporeanea di Roma, MACRO, Roma, Italy
- Iván Argote - video selection, Cine Tonalá, Bogotá, Colombia
- Reddishblue Memories, Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Forum des Images, Paris, FR ; Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
- La Plaza del Chafleo, Parallel Screens, FID, Marseille, France
- La Plaza del Chafleo, Latin American Landscapes in Video Art, organisé par MAPA, Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich, CH Focus - Selection of films and workshop with children, Punto de Vista, Pamplona, Spain
Reddishblue Memories, Sharjah Film Platform, Sharjah, UAE

- Focus : Iván Argote, Tirana International Film Festival, Tirana, Albania
- Reddishblue Memories, Dobra Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

- Fructose and Reddishblue Memories, Film festival Arte In Cine Joia, curated by Gabriel Zimbardi, Cine Joia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Selection of films, Notte Bianca, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, Villa Medici, Rome, Italia

- Fructose, International Competition, "Special Mention Promotional Award", Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland
- Fructose, FID International Film Festival, (French Competition - world premiere), Marseille, France
- Fructose, Filmouglage, Berlin, Germany
- Fructose, Nadie Nunca Nada No, Madrid, Spain

- Selection of film by Iván Argote, Zumzeig Cinema, Barcelona, Spain
- The Messengers, Zinebi Festival Internacional de Cine Documental y Cortometraje de Bilbao, Golem Cinema, Bilbao, Spain
- Screening, ICA, London, United Kingdom
- The Messengers, FID International Film Festival, (world premiere), Marseille, France
- Screening, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, France

- La Estrategia, LAXART, Los Angeles, United States


- Activissime !, protest workshops with children and demonstrations at Fondation Zinsou and Bulgarie Square, Cotonou, Benin
- Reddishblue Memories, Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
-Iván Argote in conversation with Matthew Schum (Desert X), Ace Hotel and Swim Club, Palm Springs (CA), United States
-Talk Génération 30 ans, Auditorium du Louvre, Paris, France
-Focus - Selection of films and workshop with children, Punto de Vista, Pamplona, Spain
-Iván Argote in conversation with Joshua Decter, Perrotin, New York, United States

- Dancing with gravity (site specific installation), MALI - Museo de Arte de Lima , Lima, Peru
- Si mi sol (video commission, led screen, on the 4 sides of the Torre Colpatria, 196 meters), curated by Babel Media Art, Torre Colpatria, Bogotá, Colombia

- One Way, Nuit Blanche Toronto : On the horizon the shadow speaks another story, curated by Ashley L. Wong, Drake Commissary, Toronto, Canada
- Performances A Walk for Two and Born to Collect by Iván Argote & Pauline Bastard, commissioned by Yasmina Reggad for Art Dubai Commissioned 2017
- Activissime workshop, Activism and protest workshop with children, PinchukArtCentre, Kiev, Ukraine

- Workshop, Centre Pompidou, Malaga, Spain & Paris, France
- Les Rencontres Internationales, Gaîté lyrique, Paris, France

- Workshop with Mikhail Karikis, Acting the future, Tate Modern, London, United Kingdom

- Activísimo workshop, Activism and protest workshop with children, EspaiDos, Barcelona, Spain
- Born to Curate, Performance, Le 116 Art Center, Paris, France

- La Estrategia, LAXART, Los Angeles, United States
- Born to Curate (Los Angeles), Highways Theater, Produced by 18th Street Arts Center & Institut Français, Los Angeles, Unites States

- Born to Curate (London), in collaboration with Pauline Bastard, Produced by Nettie Horn Gallery, London, United Kingdom

- Activissime, Activism and protest workshop with children, MAC/VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
- Pauline Bastard & Ivan Argote, Talk, Rouen Fine Arts Museum, Rouen, France
- Flux thursdays, Conference, Flux Factory, New York, United States
- Ivan Argote Prize, Price for a student in the Bourges’ Fine Arts School, Philantropy action, Bourges, France

- Dance or die!, Dance élargie, with Jair Bareli and Pauline Bastard, Théatre de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
- Born to Curate, curating contest organized in collaboration with Pauline Bastard, Ars longa, Paris, France
- Collection Permanente, curated by Ivan Argote, Pauline Bastard & Isabelle Le Normand, Mains d’Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen, France
- 100% directe, Performance in collaboration with Pauline Bastard, Mains d’Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen, France
- Catalogue Artists’ Film Screening, South London Gallery, London, United Kingdom
- 1 million of friends, Sunday’s screenings, Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris, France

- The conservation and restoration of contemporary artworks, Talk by Carole Husson, SFIIC, Paris, France
- Date limite de Conservation, Talk, MAC/VAL Museum of contemporary art of Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine, France

- The Here, Talk-performance, Master in Fine Arts, National University, Bogotá, Colombia
- Web flash festival, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France

- Supra Real, Talk-performance, Master in Fine Arts, National University, Bogotá, Colombia

  • August 14, 2024
    The New York Times — 4 PAGES

  • August 14, 2024
    Observer — 4 PAGES

  • August 7, 2024
    CBC — 5 PAGES

  • August 6, 2024
    Smithsonian Magazine — 4 PAGES

  • August 1, 2024
    Ocula — 3 PAGES


Jean-Marie APPRIOU, Iván ARGOTE, Daniel ARSHAM, Anna-Eva BERGMAN, Julian CHARRIÈRE, Johan CRETEN, Gabriel DE LA MORA, Jean-Philippe DELHOMME, Mathilde DENIZE, Lionel ESTÈVE, Jens FÄNGE, Laurent GRASSO, Charles HASCOËT, Thilo HEINZMANN, John HENDERSON, Gregor HILDEBRANDT, Alain JACQUET, Bharti KHER, Yves LALOY, LEE Bae, Georges MATHIEU, Paola PIVI, Gérard SCHNEIDER, Jesús Rafael SOTO, Josh SPERLING, Bernar VENET, Pieter VERMEERSCH

October 14, 2024 - October 19, 2024




Iván ARGOTE, Daniel ARSHAM, Sophie CALLE, Mathilde DENIZE, Bernard FRIZE, Hans HARTUNG, Thilo HEINZMANN, KIM Chong-Hak, LEE Bae, Mr., Takashi MURAKAMI, Park Seo-Bo, Paola PIVI

March 28, 2024 - April 27, 2024


10 Dosan-daero 45-gil, Gangnam-gu



ELMGREEN & DRAGSET, JR, Koak, Jean-Marie APPRIOU, Iván ARGOTE, Daniel ARSHAM, Genesis BELANGER, Anna-Eva BERGMAN, Sophie CALLE, Julian CHARRIÈRE, Johan CRETEN, Jean-Philippe DELHOMME, Mathilde DENIZE, Lionel ESTÈVE, Jens FÄNGE, Bernard FRIZE, Laurent GRASSO, Vivian GREVEN, Hans HARTUNG, Charles HASCOËT, Thilo HEINZMANN, John HENDERSON, Leslie HEWITT, Gregor HILDEBRANDT, Dora JERIDI, Susumu KAMIJO, Bharti KHER, Klara KRISTALOVA, Georges MATHIEU, Takashi MURAKAMI, Sophia NARRETT, Katherina OLSCHBAUR, Danielle ORCHARD, Jean-Michel OTHONIEL, Paola PIVI, Gabriel RICO, Claude RUTAULT, Emily Mae SMITH, Jesús Rafael SOTO, Josh SPERLING, Tatiana TROUVÉ, Xavier VEILHAN, Bernar VENET, Pieter VERMEERSCH, LEE Bae, QI Zhuo, SHIM Moon-Seup

October 16, 2023 - November 10, 2023


2bis avenue matignon 75008 Paris

Matignon - October+ group show

Iván ARGOTE, Daniel ARSHAM, Gabriel DE LA MORA, Lionel ESTÈVE, Zach HARRIS, Barry MCGEE, Jean-Michel OTHONIEL, Paola PIVI, Christiane POOLEY, Yu-Xin SU, Claire TABOURET, Pieter VERMEERSCH, BI Rongrong, CHEN Ke, CHEN Tianzhuo, JIN Ningning, LIN Ke, NA Buqi, WEI Jia, YANG Guangnan, ZHANG Miao

January 13, 2023 - March 25, 2023


3/F, 27 Hu Qiu Road, Huangpu District

I Feel the Way You Feel



October 15, 2022 - December 17, 2022


76 rue de turenne 75003 Paris




June 17, 2021 - August 13, 2021

new york

130 Orchard Street

A Place For Us


June 3, 2021 - July 31, 2021


2bis avenue matignon 75008 Paris

Salon Perrotin Matignon

Iván ARGOTE, Daniel ARSHAM, Johan CRETEN, Jean-Philippe DELHOMME, Jens FÄNGE, Bernard FRIZE, Laurent GRASSO, John HENDERSON, Gregor HILDEBRANDT, Hans HARTUNG, Bharti KHER, Klara KRISTALOVA, Takashi MURAKAMI, Jean-Michel OTHONIEL, Paola PIVI, Yuji UEDA

- March 9, 2021


2bis avenue matignon 75008 Paris

Salon Perrotin Matignon



June 2, 2018 - July 28, 2018


76 rue de turenne 75003 Paris

Deep affection



April 27, 2017 - June 11, 2017

new york

130 Orchard Street

La Venganza del Amor



July 9, 2015 - August 21, 2015

new york

909 Madison Avenue New York

Paris Holiday



January 18, 2014 - March 1, 2014


76 rue de turenne 75003 Paris




January 8, 2011 - February 26, 2011


10 impasse saint claude 75003 Paris








Iván Argote "Deep Affection", Perrotin Paris, 2018

Iván Argote "Deep Affection", Perrotin Paris,...


 Iván Argote "Me and the others" 2017

Iván Argote "Me and the others" 2017


Iván Argote "La Venganza del Amor", Perrotin New York

Iván Argote "La Venganza del Amor", Perrotin New ...


Iván Argote "Cómo lavar la loza coherentemente" NC-arte  2015

Iván Argote "Cómo lavar la loza...


 Iván Argote Palais de Tokyo 2012

Iván Argote Palais de Tokyo 2012


Iván Argote "STRENGTHLESSNESS", Perrotin Paris

Iván Argote "STRENGTHLESSNESS", Perrotin Paris

