Born in 1992 in Chongqing, China
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany

Xiyao  WANG

L'artiste chinoise installée à Berlin convoque, à travers les lignes dynamiques de ses tableaux immersifs, l’écho de paysages, de corps, de mouvements, de pensées. Sa peinture hybride et abstraite conjugue des influences et des inspirations diverses: taoïsme et poststructuralisme, traditions picturales chinoises ancestrales, travail corporel, danse, arts martiaux et canons de l’histoire de l’art occidentale. Les grandes toiles de Xiyao Wang sont le lieu de rencontre de mondes hétéroclites : les mythologies, le lyrisme et le style hermétique de Cy Twombly y tutoient la culture de masse, la musique électronique ainsi que l’esprit des générations Y et Z. Elles parlent de visions intérieures, de perceptions corporelles, de sensations ou d’émotions qui interrogent le parcours de l’artiste, entre Orient et Occident.

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- MFA, HFBK, University of Fine Arts of Hamburg (DE)

- MFA, State University of New York at Purchase, New York (US)

- BA, HFBK, University of Fine Arts of Hamburg (DE)

- BA, Sichuan Fine Art Institute, Chongqing (CN)

solo shows

- Do you hear the waterfall?, Perrotin, New York (US)

- Allongé - Out of Reach, Perrotin, Seoul, (KR)
- On the way to Penglai island, Konïg, Berlin, (DE)
- A Carnival in the Forest, MASSIMODECARLO, London (UK)
- Liang Xiao Yin, Tang Cotemporary Art, Beijing (CHN)​
- A Long Reach: Touching the Unseen, Song Art Museum, Beijing (CHN)

- The Crystalline Moon Palace, Galerie Perrotin, Paris (FR)
- The Endless Dream, Arndt Collection, Cape Schanck (AUS)

- Castel in the air, Geber Stauffer Fine Arts, Zurich (CH)
- A dance to fly in the blossoming trees, A Thousand Plateaus Gallery, Chengdu (CN)

- Peach Blossom Spring Story, Soy Capitán Gallery, Berlin (DE) 

group shows

- Symphony of Coexistence — Chinese and Southeast Asian Art Invitational Exhibition, The Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing (CHN)
- Questioninings on Painting, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing (CHN)
- Boundless Reverie: Chinese Savoir-Faire and Contemporary Art, K11 Art Foundation, Hongkong (CHN)
- Habiter le Monde, Le château, Centre d’Art Contemporain et du Patrimoine d’Aubenas, France

- Mille Cortex, Tang Contemporary Art, Hong Kong (HK)
- «Unknown/Chronology/Object», One Man At A Lonely Island Special Project, Pingshan Art Museum, Shenzhen (CHN)
- The Arndt Collection: From One World to Another, Shepparton Art Museum, Victoria (AUS)
- The collection exhibition of Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing (CHN)

- I'm Stepping High, I'm Drifting, and There I Go Leaping, Xiao Museum of Contemporary Art, Rizhao (CN)
- A Marvellous Memory, Jiu Shi Art Museum, Shanghai (CN)
- Boundless, Aurora Museum, Shanghai (CN)
- L'Empire des sens, Tang Contemporary Art, Seoul (KOR)

- MISA Discoveries, König Gallery, Berlin (DE)
- Low Fever, Tang Contemporary Art Gallery, Hongkong (CN)
- Jung x 5, Plain Gallery, Milan (IT)

- Der River, Spinnerei, Leipzig (DE)
- I-Define, A Thousand Plateaus Gallery, Chengdu (CN)
- Salondergegenwart, Hamburg (DE)
- If not now…, MomSpace, Hamburg (DE)

- Summer Fling, Beehive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (CN)
- Yellow Reflection, Galerie Liusa Wang, Paris (FR)
- Taipei Dangdai, Gallery Vacancy, Taipei 

- Printed Matter's NY Art Book Fair, MoMA PS1, New York (US)
- Richard and Dolly Maass Gallery, New York (US)
- I mean it when I say XXX, CONDO Shanghai, Gallery Vacancy, Shanghai (CN)
- Performance Festival, Cité international des arts, Paris (FR)
- Masse Phase, Sprink, Dusseldorf (DE)
- Inter-Youth, Art Gallery of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou (CN)
- Sehnsucht’s Dialektik, MomSpace, Hamburg (DE)

- Nomination Hiscox Kunstpreis 2017, HFBK (DE)
- NominationDAAD Kunstpreis 2017, HFBK (DE)
- ARTz IV, BENZENE, Hamburg (DE)
- Beijing Summer Show, NL Art Museum, Beijing (CN)

- Kor'yaka 1, Goldsmith Fine Art College, London (UK)
- KAI XIN, Elektrohaus, Hamburg (DE)

- Ji Lie Che Jian, Tank Loft - Chongqing Contemporary Art Center, Huangjueping, Chongqing (CN)

- Guanlan Games, Peter Ford Gallery, Bristol (GB)
- Jia Xiang An Shan Art Museum, Chongqing (CN)

- Chongqing Art Gallery, Huangjueping, Chongqing (CN)


- Karl H. Ditze Stiftung and DAAD PROMOS, New York (USA)

- Nomination Hiscox Art Award (Hiscox Kunstpreis), Hamburg (DE)

- Exchange Goldsmiths, University of London (UK)
- Schües Art Award (Schües-Stiftung, Christa und Nikolaus Schües), Hamburg (DE)
- Nomination DAAD Art Award, Hamburg (DE)