Born in Inner Mongolia, China
Lives and works in Beijing, China


Song Kun a obtenu son MFA du département de peinture à l'huile de la Central Academy of Fine Art (CAFA) en 2006. Centré sur la peinture, son travail incorpore la musique live, la vidéo, l'installation et d'autres médias. Elle est considérée comme l'une des femmes artistes les plus prometteuses de Chine.

L’honnêteté et la force émotionnelle de son œuvre la classe parmi « les quelques artistes ayant établi un vocabulaire de peinture figurale inédit sur la scène artistique contemporaine ». Elle observe et saisit les différentes figures et moments éphémères de la réalité et de l'hyperréalité. Elle rassemble les fragments de notre époque, tout en les réagençant. Ainsi ses œuvres créent une spatialité mythique et privée qui reflète les changements potentiels en Chine.

« Une narration en courant de conscience » et « des images ponctuelles et synesthésiques du subconscient » forment deux concepts qui jouent des rôles clés dans son œuvre. Au lieu d'utiliser des symboles spécifiques, elle propose ses observations personnelles sur comment faire l’expérience de la pensée et de l’émotion dans la vie.

Les œuvres de Song Kun ont toujours contenu d’importants concepts : « la narration du flux de la conscience » et « l'inconscience du subconscient ». Ces éléments importants viennent s’ajouter à son usage de l'esthétique orientale chinoise dans ses créations.  Elle ne cherche jamais à rendre des symboles ou des concepts fixes, mais offre plutôt un aperçu de l'indépendance de la Chine à nos jours par sa proposition : « Comment ressentir la cognition de l'expérience et les riches émotions offertes par la vie ». Sa détermination et sa confiance en soi lui ont permis de puiser dans le langage de la musique, du son et des images pour donner à la peinture une force narrative inédite. Ces dernières années, la création artistique de Song Kun est entrée dans une nouvelle phase, intégrant de manière expérimentale des sous-cultures contemporaines et des éléments religieux à son univers créatif, offrant un aperçu authentique de son tempérament.

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- Fine Arts School Affiliated to China Central Academy of Fine Arts
- BA, Third Studio, Oil Painting Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts
- MA, Third Studio, Oil Painting Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts

solo shows

- Infinity Song Kun Solo Exhibition 2001-2024, Song Art Museum, Beijing, China

- Pure Land·Tears of Sea-maid, Qiao Space, Shanghai, China

- IMBODY-Feeling Real · Nude, SSSSART, Shanghai, China

- SUKHAVATI 。o 0, Cc Foundation &Art Center, Shanghai, China

- ASURA SUKHAVATI, Kiyoshi Art Space, Tokyo, Japan

- ASURA SUKHAVATI, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China

- Visual Stream of Consciousness, Minsheng Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, China

- A Thousand Kisses Deep, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China

- Seeking the Recluse but notMeeting, Walter Maciel Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

- Xi Jia – River Lethe, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, China

- Song Kun, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, USA

- It’s My Life, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, China

group shows

- Amazing Women: A Tribute Exhibition to Outstanding Female Artists by Forbes China, Phoenix Art Center, Beijing, China

- ALL CREATIONS II: Distant Similarity, YOUCISHAN, Beijing, China

- Myth of figures, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- Appeal to the Infinite Within, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- LOVELOVELOVE Biennale of Moving Image, U2 by UCCA, Beijing, China
- Regarde-Moi, Perrotin, Paris, France
- KIAF Seoul, Seoul, South Korea

- Futurism of the Past Beijing Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
- Art as Living Organism, MADEIN Gallery, Shanghai, China
- Duration: Chinese Art in Transformation,Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China
- Cover, Enclave Contemporary, Shenzhen, China

- Painting: Macro, Guangdong Museum ofArt, China
- Being of Evils, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- Morphing in-between, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- CLEAN, SPURS Gallery, Beijing, China

- I Love Beijing New Wave, Star Gallery, Beijing, China
- Epithet Portrayed, Don Gallery, Shanghai, China

- The Fiftieth Exhibition: Five Years in Qikeshu, Star Gallery, Beijing, China
- N.A.I.C Project XArt Depot, Commune by The Great Wall, Beijing, China
- Collage, C5Art Space, Beijing, China
- Portrait of Time, The Imperial Ancestral Temple Art Museum, Beijing, China

- KUNST GEMEINSAM GESTALTEN, Goethe-Institute, Beijing, China
- Magic Sampling, Fruity Space, Beijing, China
- Lines of Unthought, Edmond Gallery, Berlin, Germany
- Art Basel in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

- SHE: International Women Artists Exhibition, Long Museum, Shanghai, China
- Unrealities in the Reality, Boxes Art Space, Shenzhen, China
- Exotic Stranger, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Paris, France
- Art Paris, Paris, France
- Prison Lab, China & Germany Cultural Exchange Year Art Project, Berlin, Germany

- Up-Youth, Beijing Times Art Museum, Beijing, China
- Art Basel in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
- Fiction, OWSpace, Beijing, China
- CHINA 8, NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, Germany
- The Temperature of History, China Art Museum, Shanghai, China
- Film, Art Basel in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

- The World III in the Third World, The Art Center, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
- Cosmos, M21Minsheng Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, China
- Hazing Kyoto, Star Gallery, Beijing, China
- Island, Modern Sky Lab, Beijing, China
- Uneasy Trip in Asia, Star Gallery, Beijing, China
- Summer 2014: Friends, Pool and Waves, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, China
- Landscape of Man, Michael Ku Gallery, Taipei, China
- N12 - No.6, Lin & Lin Gallery, Taipei, China
- My Generation: Young Chinese Artists, Tampa Museum ofArt, Tampa, USA
- Art Basel in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
- N12 - No.5, Beijing Commune, Beijing, China

- Criss-Cross, Long Museum, Shanghai, China
- Being Entangled with Paper, Star Gallery, Beijing, China
- Atypical, Gallery Beijing Space, Beijing, China
- Uneasy Trip in Asia IV, Poly Arts Centre, Hong Kong, China
- Being Is Not Being, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- Frieze New York, New York, USA
- Uneasy Trip in Asia, Star Gallery, Beijing, China
- Art13 London, London, UK
- Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland
- The Food in the World, Linda Art Center, Beijing, China

- Narcissism, Star Gallery, Beijing, China
- Stranger, HdAArt Salon, Berlin, Germany
- Paradise in the East, C5Art Center, Beijing, China
- Face, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China
- Lust and Love of the Young and Liberated, 798 Space, Beijing, China
- Sleep in Spring, C5Art Center, Beijing, China

- DAYBREAK, Arario Gallery, Beijing, China
- Half the Sky: Women in the New Art of China, Leonard Pearlstein Gallery, Philadelphia, USA
- In A Perfect World, Meulensteen Gallery, New York, USA
- Art Basel in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

- Do You See What IMean?, Fabien Fryns Fine Art, Los Angeles, USA
- Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art, Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China
- The Armory Show, New York, USA
- The Mirror of This Time, Michael Ku Gallery, Taipei, China
- Art Basel in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

- Kyoka Suigetsu —Female Contemporary Art, Power Center Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Touch, A4 Gallery, Chengdu, China
- Pick up All the Winter Branches, Michael Ku Gallery, Taipei, China
- NOTCH09 Art Festival, The VILLAGE, Beijing, China
- Hello Sadness, Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok, Thailand

- Lookingfor Me, Minsheng Contemporary Arts Center, Shanghai, China
- Art Premiere, Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland

- The SecondDocumentary Exhibition of Fine Arts, Hubei Art Museum, Wuhan, China

- Body-Boundary, Chambers Fine Art, New York, U.S.
- Chaos City, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, China
- N12 - No. 4, C5Art Center, Beijing, China

- Naughty Kids, Star Gallery, Beijing, China
- N12 - No. 3, CAFA Gallery, Beijing, China
- The Second Chinese Art Triennial, Nanjing Museum, Nanjing, China

- New Wave, Art Seasons Gallery, Beijing, China and Singapore
- N12 - No. 2, CAFA Gallery, Beijing, China
- Mode of Sensibility, Art Seasons Gallery, Beijing, China and Singapore
- Made in China, Design in France, Paul Ricard Gallery, Paris, France
- Beijing-Dezoned-Paris, Le Cube, Issy les Moulineaux, France

- SHE, Art Seasons Gallery, Beijing, China
- N12 - No. 1, CAFA Gallery, Beijing, China
- Beyond the Face and Surface, Art Seasons Gallery, Singapore

- Water: First Show of Exo-Site Art Program, Huanyi Warehouse, Beijing, China
- Age of Er Chang, Wan Fung Art Gallery, Beijing, China

public collections

- CAFAArt Museum, China
- M+ Museum, Hongkong
- Long Museum, China
- Minsheng Art Museum, China
- New Century Art Foundation, China
- Start Museum, Shanghai, China
- Cc Foundation &Art Center, China
- Zhi Art Museum, China
- Qiao Zhibing, China
- He Juxing, China
- Giraud Pissarro Segalot, USA
- Francois Pinault, France
- Uli Sigg, Switzerland



- Big Whale, Berlin, Germany

- Island, Modernsky Lab Art Program, Phuket, Thailand

- Leipzig International Art Program, Leipzig, Germany


- Sonic Fall Beijing, 798Art Center, Beijing, China
- Pure Land -Tusumi Forest, Tokyo, Japan

- SUKHAVATI, Cc Foundation &Art Center, Shanghai, China
-Collage, C5Art Center and C5Youth Retreat, Beijing, China

- RAW-Wave, BLG Lab, Beijing, China
- Spook in Hot Pot, Star Gallery, Beijing, China
- Magic Sampling, fRUITYSPACE, Beijing, China

- Summer Art Night, BLG Lab and M Woods Museum, Beijing, China
- Sound of Silence, China Film Archive, Beijing, China
- Sound of Silence, KINO KROKODI, Berlin, Germany

- Sound of Silence,, THEATER SAMSA, Tokyo, Japan
- ININ Cosmos, M21Minsheng Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, China
- Fiction, OWSpace, Beijing, China

- Don’t Worry Garden, Houyuan, Beijing, China
- Island, Modern Sky Lab, Beijing, China

- Being Is Not Being, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- Lull&Noise in Dog Night No.2, Temple Bar, Beijing, China

- This Is Not a Party, 798AKRYL space, Beijing, China
- Sleep in Spring, C5Art Center, Beijing, China
- Lull&Noise in Dog Night No.1, School, Beijing, China
- Paradise in the East, C5Art Center, Beijing, China
- Stranger, HdAArt Salon, Berlin, Germany